Wednesday, 11 October 2017


A gadabout is a person who gads about. Obvious when you think about it, isn't it? Well, that's unless you're not entirely sure what gadding about involves. Fortunately I'm a gadabout myself (even when writing my books) and therefore able to enlighten you.

To gad is to go about in search of pleasure, or idle wandering and adventure. A person doing this can be said to be 'on the gad'. I have gadded on numerous occasions.

After writing it in all it's forms, I'm no longer sure I like the word gadabout and would rather you thought of me as the travelling writer.


  1. Great word 'Gadabout' for stories ... but totally concur with your own description 'travelling writer' ... and you certainly travel - cheers Hilary

    1. I do, Hilary. Hope to be off again towards the end of the month.

  2. This is a funny word! I've never heard of being "on the gad" though; that's a new one to me. Hey, thanks for popping by my blog and leaving a congrats and a "whoop" via Mac's blogpost! I appreciate it. Best wishes for your traveling writing. :o)

    1. I think 'on the gad' is an old fashioned term, Carol. I have come across it, but not often and not recently.

  3. Gadabout is one of my favorite words! I too am a gadabout.


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