Wednesday, 26 September 2018


A muselet is the little wire cage thingy which holds the cork into a bottle of fizzy (and usually alcoholic) liquid. I know this because my lovely husband told me, adding, "Did you know there was a word for that?"

My reply was, "Yes, love, I did. There's a word for everything. Do you not read my blog?"

He then suggested he remove the muselet from a bottle he'd previously put in the fridge, so that was OK. (The photo shows more than one night's 'research' – honest!)

Talking of liquid, for those who've not yet read my small taster collection of short stories, Not A Drop To Drink, it's still available as a free download.


  1. If that's more than one night's research, what on earth are you saving the muselets for?

  2. To illustrate this post, Lizy. Not sure why, but I thought it would look better with more than one.

  3. I did not know that. And great segue, by the way.

  4. If that was one night's worth, hopefully it was a big party.

  5. Hi Patsy - I often have one of those around, or over with the family ... but didn't know it was called a muselet - how interesting ... and am glad you both enjoy the odd bottle - cheers Hilary

  6. I've never heard of that word, Patsy - hope you enjoyed the fruits of your research!

  7. I'd not heard that word for them either. Looks like you enjoyed the contents anyway. ;)

  8. Wow, I just called it a doohickey :)


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