Monday 3 August 2020

I'm over there!

This blog has now been combined with the Womagwriter one.  It's all a bit experimental at the moment.

My plan is that I'll include free to enter writing competitions, Wednesday word of the week, Insecure Writers' Support Group, information about writing for women's magazines, my own writing news, guest posts, other random stuff I think writers and readers may find interesting or useful and lots of photos. I'll use the number of comments to gauge which of those elements to continue with, and which to drop.

If you'd like to, as well as visiting the blog, you could follow me on Twitter, or Facebook, sign up for my newsletter (you'll get a free story if you do) or take a look at my website. You could even buy my books!


  1. Keep leaving the breadcrumbs and we'll keep following Patsy :)
    Looking forward to viewing the combined blog/s.
    Best wishes

  2. @ Elizabeth, I'm still trying to work things out blogwise, but I think I'm getting there.

    @ Rachna – thank you.

  3. That all looks good to me, Patsy. Thanks and good luck

  4. Hi Patsy, great idea to combine as you and womag are the same, and it's easier to keep up with you than lots of things. I'm trying to make my brand (??) stronger and use the blog and website more.


Thanks so much for commenting!