Medicine can mean the science or practise of diagnosing and treating or preventing disease. It's also any drug or preparation used to treat disease – I think that's what most of us immediately think of when we hear the word.
Medicine can also describe a spell or charm thought to cure disease.
Taking your medicine means to put up with something unpleasant, whereas having
a dose of your own medicine means to endure something you've inflicted on others.
medicine man is someone with powers of healing within themselves, rather than a dispenser of drugs. A
medicine chest is any container which holds drugs or medication.
Herbal medicines are traditional remedies, some of which work extremely well. Next time you have a sore throat, try gargling with sage tea. Tastes awful, but does the trick. Talking of traditions, you might like thi
s free to enter short story competition from On The Premises, which has that theme. First prize is $220.
Am I the only person who doesn't trust any
medicine which tastes nice?