Wednesday, 19 October 2016


hobbledehoy is a clumsy or awkward youth. I was one of them a loooong time ago, though I don't recall being referred to as such.

Is there a term for a similar adult? If so, that'll be me now.


parlance said...

Patsy, I follow womagwriter's blog, and didn't realise you had this one about words also. I'm so glad to find it. I love words.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

My wife uses the word klutz.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

about twenty pop into my head. Dingus being, probably, the least coarse.

Gail Crane said...

Clodhopper? Bumbler?

Oscar Case said...

That's funny, Patsy! Good word, too.

Crystal Collier said...

A bungler? A klutz? I like this one, although it makes me think of Victorian times. Now I'm going to have to see when it was first used.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Great word. Not sure I could risk putting it into a story though :-)

Patsy said...

I love 'em too!

Patsy said...

Ah yes, I have heard that one, Alex.

Patsy said...

I appreciate your restraint, Mac.

Patsy said...

Clodhopper sounds like me, Gail.

Patsy said...

I do like it, Oscar.

Patsy said...

Oh, do let me know, Crystal.

Patsy said...

I'm going to give it a try, Annalisa.

Rosemary Johnson said...

Me too. I'm sure I'm a Hobbledehoy as well. I knock everything over and fall over things.

Patsy said...

I can trip on things which aren't there.

Susan A Eames said...

That's a new word for me, Patsy!

Patsy said...

I hope you'll be using it soon.