Wednesday, 26 September 2018


A muselet is the little wire cage thingy which holds the cork into a bottle of fizzy (and usually alcoholic) liquid. I know this because my lovely husband told me, adding, "Did you know there was a word for that?"

My reply was, "Yes, love, I did. There's a word for everything. Do you not read my blog?"

He then suggested he remove the muselet from a bottle he'd previously put in the fridge, so that was OK. (The photo shows more than one night's 'research' – honest!)

Talking of liquid, for those who've not yet read my small taster collection of short stories, Not A Drop To Drink, it's still available as a free download.


liz young said...

If that's more than one night's research, what on earth are you saving the muselets for?

Patsy said...

To illustrate this post, Lizy. Not sure why, but I thought it would look better with more than one.

Melissa said...

I did not know that. And great segue, by the way.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

If that was one night's worth, hopefully it was a big party.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Patsy - I often have one of those around, or over with the family ... but didn't know it was called a muselet - how interesting ... and am glad you both enjoy the odd bottle - cheers Hilary

Rosemary Gemmell said...

I've never heard of that word, Patsy - hope you enjoyed the fruits of your research!

Carolb said...

I'd not heard that word for them either. Looks like you enjoyed the contents anyway. ;)

Mark said...

Wow, I just called it a doohickey :)