Wednesday 9 October 2019


A word is said to rhyme with another when the sounds at the end are the same. Round rhymes with sound, time rhymes with mime (and rhyme). Half rhymes are words which nearly, but not quite, rhyme. Orange and lozenge is an example. Eye rhymes are those words which look as though they'd rhyme, because the endings are spelled the same, but don't. For example tough and through. Lost rhymes are words which used to rhyme, but due to changes in pronunciation, no longer do.

A rhyme can also mean a verse or poem which contains rhyming words. These generally come at the end of lines. If they're elsewhere they're known as internal rhymes.

Rhyming slang is a way of speaking which replaces a word or phrase with another which rhymes, although the actual rhyme may be omitted. In 'taking a butcher's' the word butcher's refers to a butcher's hook, which rhymes with look, and therefore means have a gander or a shufty.

Thanks to Bea Charles for passing on the details of this free entry poetry competition. The winner will get a personalised £100 book token with their poem on and £300 worth of poetry books. The judge is Pam Ayres. I like her. (The rules don't state that the poem must rhyme.)

4 comments: said...

I enjoy writing poetry, if enjoy is the right word of something that often tears me apart, but slant rhymes are my bugbear 😱

Sharon boothroyd said...

Thanks for passing this on, Babs and Patsy. I will have a go!

Carolb said...

Interesting information Patsy.

Good luck to all who enter the competition. Can safely predict I won't as I'm a hopeless poet. :D

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Patsy - love work that rhymes ... but simply cannot write it! Good luck to all - cheers Hilary