A tumult is an uproar or noise, an angry demonstration or disturbance or a conflict of emotions in the mind.
Tumultuous is disorderly, noisily agitated or making a tumult. If you're being those things, you'll be acting tumultuously and demonstrating tumultuousness.
Waterfalls are a tumultuous torrent of water.
Can you imagine the tumult of emotions the pixies experienced when Gary knocked on their door? He only tapped gently, but to them it probably sounded like a tumultuous racket.
They probably panicked.
Nice shot of the flowing water.
Heh, thanks for this word! I just used this in my ms I'm writing. Proof: I clutched my head, certain it was about to explode from the tumult inside. That was certainly handy for me, lol!
good word
i like, raucous, too
Tumult is something I try and avoid nowadays, especially when I'm teaching.
This word must be connected to turmoil, which is why I never know how to pronounce tumult? Turmult or tyumult? Definitely tyumultuous. Think I'm cracking up!
Love the pixie's door. Where is it?
I bet they rushed out with bows and arrows blazing! There is a similar door in my son's garden in Canada, where the pixies wear red.
Enjoying the lovely photos, thanks!
Hope we didn't scare them, Alex.
Excellent, Leandra!
That sounds like a colourful noise to me, Mac.
I can understand that, Rosemary.
Don't know about cracking up, but you've got me wondering now, Maggie.
I think it was Ledford Gorge, Beatrice.
If they rushed out, they waited until we were gone, Liz.
Thank you for stopping by.
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