To be influenced by the seasons is the behave seasonally or in a seasonal manner.

Season can also mean a proper or suitable time, a time devoted to a particular activity (cricket season), or to flavour food with seasoning. Historically 'the season' referred to the time of year devoted by the rich and upper claesses to social activities, in order to find someone equally rich and posh to marry.
If a person, or object
is seasoned, it means they're not young, but generally in a good
way. A seasoned writer will know to avoid some beginner
mistakes, such as seasoning your work with too many
adverbs, seasoned wood doesn't split when it's made into
As it's the first Wednesday of the month, it's time for an Insecure Writer's Support Group post. This months optional question is – It's spring! Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?
Personally, not. Spring is my favourite season and it does inspire me to write, but also to get out in the garden, to travel, to take long walks, to laze in the sunshine reading a book. As a result, although I may be more inspired, I actually have less time for writing.
How about you? Do you write, or do anything else, according to the seasons?
I feel like I'm well seasoned now!
There's also a lot of yard work to be done in the spring.
I don't think that I'm a seasonal writer. When it comes to writing, I'm not really affected by moods/seasons.
It's autumn my end of the globe... still very warm, which is normal for my coastal location.
Happy IWSG Day!
Loved what you did with this post :-)
Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Autumn Decisions
I'm in a season, that's for sure. I was so proud of myself for getting 1200 words down yesterday...which is pretty sad, but it's what I can do now. It's the season of life. =)
I like a lot of seasoning on my eggs, chops, and burgers.
lol This was such a fun post!
A great exploration of seasons!
I'm not a seasonal writer either. My inspiration comes in fits and spurts, ungoverned by Mother Nature. Cheers - Ellen
I'm inspired by the new year where all beginnings are possible. ;-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
Seasons for everything!
Great post and so many meanings for season. No, spring doesn't inspire me to write as it's too bright and sunny (if we're lucky), although I maybe write lighter things then. Much prefer writing in cosy autumn and winter!
I almost prefer bad weather, for writing. Good weather makes me want to go outside and forget about everything else:)
Enjoyed reading about the seasons.. Happy IWSG Day
Silly season: on today's News at Noon, the headliner was a bear in a tree in someone's yard--in the city! Complete with a news crew on site. Loved it. Enjoy spring.
Ah - so I'm seasoned, not old. Thank you, Patsy!
And as far as the other kind of season goes, I am very happy to be back in England where the seasons, more or less, run to a predictable pattern.
I always love getting out and enjoying the sunshine when we get it, as sono as spring comes. I look forward to watching Springwatch and getting excited about my upcoming summer holiday. My brain is like the weather though, sometimes it's happy to write and other times it wants to sleep Haha
There is, Alex.
I find that all kinds of outside influences affect my writing – not so much the content, as how much I do.
Thanks, Ronel.
I don't think that's sad at all!
Salt on eggs is a must.
Thank you!
Thanks, Nick.
Fits and spurts applies to me too!
Me too - and each new season can feel like a fresh start.
I tend to write more when it rains (which as you know can be any season in Britain).
Same here, Mark.
Thanks, Juneta.
Ha! Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
Lightly seasoned, Liz.
I don't watch much TV, but I do enjoy Springwatch. I like watching nature for real too, but that's like a concentrated version.
That was a great post, Patsy. I had never given any thought to how many ways the word 'season' is used in our language. As for doing things according to the season: well, yes, my veggie patch is definitely influenced by the seasons. And writing? No, I don't think the seasons influence how much or how little I write, but it's an interesting point to ponder.
Susan A Eames at
Travel, Fiction and Photos
It's surprising how many of our words have multiple meanings – imagine how many more we'd need if none of them did.
Times and seasons for everything!
I love the Spring and Autumn.
All the best Jan
Well.Thanks for sharing your experience.
Just amazing this effective post that you have shared . I'm impressed to see your shared .
Easy and useful post . I read it and liked , thanks .
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