Napper is an 18th century slang word for the head. Did you know that, or did you, like me, think it was a word for people who take naps?
Don't get caught napping and miss this free competition. If you use your napper and come up with something good enough to win, you'll have it recorded by a professional actor and made available on their website. Previously published work may be entered.
And here's a free to enter poetry competition.
And this is for Dr Who fans.
Elbows are of course the joint halfway down our arms which allow them to bend. They're very useful to writers!
A piece of piping shaped into a right angle, or any similarly shaped bend or corner can be known as an elbow bend or elbow joint.
If you jostle your way through a crowd then you can be said to be elbowing your way into a space, and those displaced in this manner are elbowed out. Once you have sufficient space around you, you'll have plenty of elbow room.
If you give something elbow grease, you've put effort into it. Giving a person the elbow is to dump them. Being out at the elbows (either a person or item of clothing) means to be tired or ragged.
Find yourself some elbow room, apply creativity and elbow room and enter this free poetry competition. If you win the £100 prize you'll be able to replace something you own which is out at the elbows. You'll also have your work published and illustrated and will receive a copy of the book.
Verdigris (pronounced verdegree) is best known as the effect on metals such as brass and copper when they're exposed to weather or seawater. In a short space of time they go from bright and shiny to a dull blueish-green. It's commonly scene on roofs, pipework and weather vanes.
The verdigris can be polished off, but will soon form again.
Historically verdigris was used as a pigment for artists, producing the most vibrant shade of green available in the middle ages.
Did you know that verdigris can also be used to describe sailors? I guess it could be quite apt if they're under the weather.
I'll be green with envy if you win this free to enter competition from Amazon. There's a £20,000 prize. All you have to do is write something great, polish it up, publish on, enroll it in kdp select, sell lots of copies and get lots of good reviews and you'll be in with a chance!