Don't get caught napping and miss this free competition. If you use your napper and come up with something good enough to win, you'll have it recorded by a professional actor and made available on their website. Previously published work may be entered.
And here's a free to enter poetry competition.
And this is for Dr Who fans.
Nothing like throwing around some historical slang terms to mess with people's nappy heads!
Had a quick look at the Doctor Who comp - it ends on 30th June - but am unhappy about having to put in my e-mail's password along with my e-mail address: am I being thick? Surely if I put the password to my e-mail in, just about anyone who can even vaguely 'hack' could get into my system. I tried putting in a newly thought-up password but the computer seemed to know it wasn't the real thing and told me it was invalid! I repeat - am I just being thick?
I am SO unsavvy about technology!
Thanks for posting, Tosh!
I've always considered myself a dapper napper.
@ Alex - would I do that?
@ Celia - Are they not asking you to create a password for use on their site? If it's really your email password they're asking for, you'd be right not to give it to them.
@ Mac – That's accurate, I'm sure.
I did not know that. Thanks for the new word knowledge.
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