Artificial can also be used to describe insincere or affected behaviour.
I'm not keen on things which are artificial or false – I much prefer the real deal.

Can you think of any examples where the artificial version is better than the natural one?
Thanks to Alyson for sending me the link to this free short story competition. The theme is Artificial Intelligence and the prize is £500.
There's still time to enter last week's Friday Freebie and win a signed copy of Gail Aldwin's The String Games.
Hmmm...artificial intelligence, a fascinating subject, Patsy, would love to have the time to enter. Maybe a subject for another book 🌹
AI, bit scary when you think about it. At least we don't have to eat artificial cake...
Artificial Christmas trees.
I love clouds
(I've probably never told you that
Artificial flowers.
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