Something which is zoomorphic has, or represents, an animal form.
Thanks to Sharon Boothroyd for passing on the details of this free to enter poetry competition. It's open to UK residents only (dead or alive!) and there's a £100 prize. If you can work zoomorphic into your winning entry, I'll be really impressed!
That's a new word to me!
Wow, what a challenge, Patsy, I have a funny poem in my head already with the word zoomorphic constantly repeated, but I won't cramp Ogden Nash's style 😊
I'll try to work it into my current W.I.P.
Hi Patsy - fun word and one I hadn't come across ... some of those grotesques are monstrous ... mind you: must be difficult carving stone ... another place to visit - thanks for the bestial grotesques - I think I prefer zoomorphic - cheers Hilary
Great word, not heard it before. Never know when it might be useful.:-)
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